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Sanus Biotex

A Degenerative Myelopathy Treatment for Dogs

Over 10,000+ Dogs Helped Since 2009! Give your dog a happier and healthier life today with Sanus Biotex.

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Most Degenerative Myelopathy Treatments Don’t Work

“Over 70% of Sanus Biotex users surveyed from 2018–2020 reported visible improvements in their dogs quality of life.”

Fellow Dog Lover,

If your dog has been diagnosed with Degenerative Myelopathy or DM? Understand that by consistently using Sanus Biotex, it may be possible for you to help restore the health and happiness of your dog within the next few weeks!

When 9 out of 10 dog owners who have experienced DM first hand read that statement, their minds glaze over and they say… “Yea, Right. I don’t believe it!” And when it comes to any Degenerative Myelopathy treatment options, that’s understandable!

But, If your that (1) dog owner, what I’m going to reveal to you today will undoubtedly change your dog’s life. Not by some kind of magic. But because of the dedication of some of the worlds most renowned canine scientist and master herbalists who love dogs as much as you do. 

I’m so sure our supplement will work on your dog, like it has for thousands of others, we’re willing to let you try it without risking a single red cent so you to can prove to yourself what I say is true.

Here’s how it all started back in 2009

This stunning discovery happened because of some thoroughbred horses in Australia. Why horses? Because in Australia, horse racing is big business.

Scientists found that some of these very expensive and powerful horses ended up with a rare form of “MS” as they age – a disease very similar to what you find in dogs suffering from Degenerative Myelopathy.

Horse owners have known for years about this disease and how it effects the horses quality of life and their ability to breed when their racing career has ended.

So, a few of these experts in Australia began looking into this – trying to figure out a safe, all-natural way to combat this disease so these magnificent animals could pass on their racing genes to the next generation, which is where the big money in horse racing lies.

These scientists along with a few master herbalists began experimenting by blending several specific, handpicked herbs together. Many of these herbs have been used for centuries by the Aborigines of the Australian Outback, because of their potent and soothing relief of joint pain and their amazing ability to counteract severe inflammation.

Over the next eight months… the formula was perfected.

When the veterinarians administered the formula to the thoroughbreds diagnosed with this form of “MS” they began making miraculous recoveries. After reading about this in the Medical Journal of Australia, I asked myself a simple question: “If this works so well on horses, would it work for my five year old German Shepherd,” diagnosed with Degenerative Myelopathy in 2008.

I reached out to the same researchers and master herbalists who gladly tweaked the formula so it would be suitable for testing on dogs. Well, did it work?

Did it ever! After using the formula for a few weeks, our dog’s ability to move improved drastically. After seeing the results first-hand, I realized we found a Degenerative Myelopathy treatment that worked! I had to let others know.

And a year later in 2009, after a few adjustments, this NEW formula was licensed and distributed throughout a variety of dog stores and clinics under the name Sanus Biotex.

Sanus Biotex, with its all-natural proprietary blend of herbs and vitamins from growers around the world has become the most successful, best-selling and veterinarian approved Degenerative Myelopathy treatment around.

This is Awesome News for You and Your Dog… Why?

Imagine what a wonderful turn of events this could be for you and your dog. Picture yourself strolling around the neighborhood or park again with your dog. Ask yourself how many times have you wished you could experience the sheer joy of seeing your best friend chase a ball, stick or Frisbee again?

Now, I’m not going to make you any promises here, but what I can tell you is, Sanus Biotex not only worked wonders for our dog but thousands of others as well. Believe me, there is a very good chance that your dog will be able to do all of this once again!

The same scientists who helped formulate Sanus Biotex not only found a remarkable Degenerative Myelopathy treatment for dogs but they also found it provides all of the following life changing benefits as well.

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What Sanus Biotex
Users Say:

 John Brown
John BrownRedwood City, CA Read More
“We both love to go on walks and play ball on a daily basis…But, I really had to limit his playtime when the (DM) started progressing. Now, since I started using Sanus Biotex “Louise” has been much more active without any side effects. It’s almost as if she lost three years and is back to being a young 4 year old again.”
Megan Brubaker
Megan BrubakerHershey, PA Read More
“We started seeing changes with (Russ) after about 2 weeks of using Sanus. He just continued to get better and better. DM is not a Death Sentence!” Thank You Soooooo Much!”
 The Everett's
The Everett’sTennessee Read More
“I want to say THANK YOU SO MUCH! Five months ago we were told “Riley” had Degenerative Myelopathy and may not have a chance to make it to Christmas. Look at his picture, not only did he make Christmas but he’s still going strong. Sanus-Biotex is Awesome and would highly recommend it to everyone…Thanks You!”
SherrySeabrook, TX Read More
“After trying almost every medication on the market our vet suggested we give Sanus Biotex a try as a last hope. It’s hard to explain how good this has worked on her because we can’t even believe it sometimes when we think of how she was prior to this. We are so thankful for all of you.”

Why Sanus Biotex is the Ultimate Treatment for Degenerative Myelopathy

Sanus Biotex is formulated with the highest “Pharmaceutical Grade” ingredients and has been used in holistic clinics throughout the world since 2009.

The formula will revitalize and nourish the muscles throughout your dogs body while improving blood flow from the hind-legs to the heart.

Sanus Biotex helps to subside hind-quarter inflammation and daily “flare-ups” associated with Degenerative Myelopathy.

Key ingredients found in Sanus Biotex also help to revitalize your dog helping to restore youthful behavior.

Sanus Biotex helps restore degenerated joints and connective tissue. This may help your dog with the muscle atrophy, a major symptom of Degenerative Myelopathy.

Sanus Biotex works to boost your dogs immune system functions giving your dog the ultimate protection against other less serious infections!

You’ll see an improvement in your dogs Quality Of Life. It’s 100% all-natural so continue using Sanus Biotex for long term success.

Sanus Biotex has ZERO adverse side effects. The Highly Potent Proprietary Formula found in every bottle is formulated with the “Very Highest Human Grade Ingredients” you can buy!

As an added benefit, Sanus Biotex also helps to improve your dogs overall digestion and gastrointestinal functions.

The ingredients found in Sanus Biotex have been used for thousands of years because they work! Doesn’t your dog deserve the best?

Sanus Biotex, replaces a number of potentially harmful and much less effective treatments including steroids.

Ultimately, Sanus Biotex gives your dog a new lease on life and saves you both time and money with less veterinary visits. Are you ready to join the Sanus Biotex family?

As you can see, their simply is nothing more effective than Sanus Biotex in helping your dog fight this horrible disease. In 2021, over 80% of our monthly volume came from existing customers, why? Because “It Works!” Year after year the Sanus Biotex family continues to grow!

Customers report their dogs seem healthier, happier, less stressed, and more youthful…Within a short-time the symptoms commonly associated with Degenerative Myelopathy typically go away!

Flare-ups become less frequent, inflammation subsides, loss of balance, the irritation… With Sanus Biotex, all or most of them stop!

No wonder so many dogs and their owners feel the same way I did a few months after starting the program!

Does all this sound too good to be true?

Well, your certainly Not Alone! Through our customer surveys, most Sanus Biotex users have told us the very same thing and to be quite honest, I would think most people feel the same… But, just like you, thousands of people who loved their dogs and were passionate about trying anything to help.

It just so happens, Sanus Biotex tweaked their curiosity and they felt as though they really had nothing to lose. Every success story began when they took that vital first step, eager and willing to give Sanus Biotex a try.

And I have to tell you, you simply cannot imagine the tears of joy Sanus Biotex has brought to those who decided to give the program a try. Quite honestly, we have thousands of heartwarming letters and emails, that have poured into our offices throughout the years.

Brian CrawfordNaples, Florida Read More
“We were thinking about putting down our beloved shepherd, Vixen. But, after a few weeks of Sanus Biotex we saw him running in the backyard for the first time in a long time. Its been a few months now and he is able to walk 2+ miles with me. I cannot thank you guys enough. Please use this on your website.”
Sherry Povalski
Sherry PovalskiTexas Read More
“Ben was diagnosed with degenerative myelopathy last year. He continued to progressively get worse as time went on. We were referred to you by one of our close friends and I’m happy to tell you that Ben is now doing great. We went from holding him up with a towel to do his business to now he runs up and down our stairs like a puppy.”
Mel & PhilCalifornia Read More
“My husband purchased Sanus Biotex a few months ago for our corgi. I was really against him even ordering it. Luckily, he did because I can’t even explain how much better our dog is doing. We have seen him steadily get better. I’m on a facebook group for dogs and I’ve told everyone about you.”

IMPORTANT – A Myth About Degenerative Myelopathy

Many people are under the impression that Degenerative Myelopathy in dogs, at least in its early stages, is caused by a lack of glucosamine. The initial symptoms of DM such as struggling to get up, favoring one leg over the other, limping, loss of balance, etc all of which closely resemble hip or joint problems.

The common remedy for this is to provide your dog with any of the over-the-counter glucosamine supplements found in your local retail pet stores. This is why it’s so important to have your dog tested for DM especially if you continue to see these same symptoms come and go overtime.

If your dog has already been diagnosed – please understand, glucosamine has nothing to do with Degenerative Myelopathy regardless of what others may tell you. There have been a large number of studies on this subject and not one has ever proven that the disease can be controlled with glucosamine.

In-fact, researchers involved with these studies reported that only a tiny amount of glucosamine is even absorbed by a dogs body and is insufficient to provide ANY benefits to common bone and hip issues let alone have any positive effects on DM. They suggested that the levels of glucosamine found in common over-the-counter supplements are safe…But should only be used by people who don’t mind that they may be wasting their money. That’s pretty blunt and to the point, don’t you think? And consider this. If you give your dog glucosamine, it can take up to 10 months or more for the effects to take hold before they even begin to give your dog any relief. Ten months to a human is like 3 years for a dog. Imagine, how you would feel if you had to wait three years for your medicine to kick in. If your reading this and your dog is suffering from Degenerative Myelopathy wouldn’t you want to make sure that anything you give your dog actually works? Especially without being harmful like most prescription medications can be? If you said yes, then you’re going to be absolutely thrilled with what Sanus Biotex will do for your dog!

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Our Pledge To You…

And you know what? We feel so strongly about Sanus Biotex let me say this. We’ll give you your money back for any reason or no reason at all. Just let us know and you’ll get a complete refund of your purchase price. But this is only the beginning. To celebrate your decision today to give Sanus Biotex a try…

We decided to do something Extra Special.

Right now, if your thinking about giving your dog an opportunity to feel better we’ve put something together just for you! At the very least, try Sanus Biotex for 30 days and we’ll give you another 10 days absolutely FREE!

This gives you 40 days to try Sanus Biotex! Our program shows such amazing results that: if on the rare occasion you are not satisfied for whatever reason, just let us know for a No-Questions Asked Refund!

Since we’ve been helping to fight DM for 13 years now, we’re so confident you’ll be blown away with what Sanus Biotex will do for your dog that you’ll continue using it for years to come.

FACT: .Over 80% of Holistic Doggie’s orders come through existing customers and vet referrals. Those who wanted to make a change after the realization that whatever they are doing to help their dog fight this disease is simply not working.

As their dogs health progressively got worse, they made a decision to try something new…They took that first step and ever since, have turned to Sanus Biotex, proving that with just a little help, their dog can win the fight against Degenerative Myelopathy.

Don’t you want the best possible outcome for your dog? Then give Sanus Biotex a try: ORDER NOW, visit our FAQ’s or CONTACT US.

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Recommended Products:

Best diet for Degenerative Myelopathy

Raw Paws Pet Food – A raw dog food diet is highly recommended for Degenerative Myelopathy.

dog brace for degenerative myelopathy

Walkin’ Rear No-Knuckling Support – Helps Dogs Pick up Their Feet When Knuckling Under or Dragging Their Rear Paws

dogs rear leg support sling

GINGERLEAD Dog Sling – Padded Lift Aid Provides Support, Comfort & Control

Gianoli Family
Gianoli FamilySouth Bend, IN Read More
“We’ve seen a great improvement, he gets up much easier, doesn’t shy away from stairs and he isn’t tripping nearly at all. He’s a much happier boy. We’ve been combining Sanus Biotex with vet administered acupuncture and chiropractic treatment. His Vet has said he has seen a completely different dog since Regis started his combined therapy. My wife said all she wanted for Christmas was a healthy Regis and thanks at least in part to your product, she got that.”
Rita Martin
Rita MartinFairfax, VA Read More
“I’m very excited about the results were seeing. She is really doing so much better and I just wanted to thank all of you for walking me through all of this. Your guidance has been very much appreciated not only by me but Sassy as well. Here is her pic that you have asked me for the last 1.5 months, Sorry!”
Lauderdale Family
Lauderdale FamilyNorth Dakota Read More
“Just wanted to give you guys an update on Prush are beloved Mini Pinscher. Using Sanus-Biotex for degenerative myelopathy (3 months) now we’re starting to see results!. Prush, is doing incredible, able to stand up without trouble, his activity level has increased dramatically and he just seems much happier. I’m very glad that we found you online and the attached picture shows just how happy we all are on his birthday! Your help has been appreciated so much!”
Kat & Buck
Kat & BuckChicago, IL Read More
“Our shepherd has been on your product for over a year now and being completely honest I don’t think he would still be with us today if it wasn’t it. Our vet Michele, has been amazed with the changes as well and has told us she referred a few others to your website as well. Believe me when I tell you that your making a difference in our dogs lives.”
Chernouski Family
Chernouski FamilyWyoming Read More
“This stuff works good! I would highly recommend it to everyone. Our Lab Jacob has been using sanus for almost 10 months now and I have never seen him happier…”
The Blessing's
The Blessing’sFt. Myers, FL Read More
“I am pretty happy with the results using Sanus-Biotex for our Lab. Although, things haven’t improved dramatically to date the progression has certainly slowed down and with the next bottle we just ordered we expect and hope to see things get even better. Just wanted to let you know, Thanks! P.S. Always loved this picture, from his younger days.”
Update: 15 Months Later
“I cannot express how thankful our family is! The results have been awesome and I have no doubt that he is with us today ONLY because we chose to try it. Almost 1.5 years later and he is still going strong – very rarely shows any signs of DM. We could not be any happier – You saved our dogs life and We Love You Guys!

Best Products for DM
Used By Sanus Biotex Customers

dog brace for degenerative myelopathy

Walkin’ Rear No-Knuckling Support – Helps Dogs Pick up Their Feet When Knuckling Under or Dragging Their Rear Paws

dogs rear leg support sling

GINGERLEAD Dog Sling – Padded Lift Aid Provides Support, Comfort & Control

dog wheelchair for degenerative myelopathy

Best Friend Mobility Dog Wheelchair for Degenerative Myelopathy

Sizzling Hot Deluxe – Rejestracja, Bonusy i Gry